Student Spotlight
Precious Cornejo
By: Caitlin Doyle, PR student intern

Precious Cornejo is a senior from Memphis double majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations and wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture with a concentration in conservation biology. Cornejo is a Roadrunner at MSU, and she is also on exec for the Dean’s Council for the College of Forest Resources. In the future, she would love to merge both of her majors and do outreach or external affairs for a wildlife organization.
Why communication?
I chose communication because I love that you get to use your creativity while also developing skills that help you in your day-to-day and professional life. I wanted to choose a major that helped me to understand those around me better while also improving my problem solving skills!
Favorite class so far?
My favorite class so far has been PR Case Problems with Dr. Forde because it was so interesting to see how companies handle PR situations and to learn from their mistakes!
Advice for incoming communication students?
My advice would be to take things one step at a time because classes can be overwhelming if you take things on all at once. Using a planner is also so important so that you won't forget about assignments or events! Also, I would suggest getting involved in something outside of classes. It could be major-specific or for fun, but either way, you'll gain so much from it!
Best advice you’ve received from a professor?
The best advice I've gotten is that comparison is the thief of joy. We are all so different, and if we constantly compare ourselves to others, we lose sight of the impressive things we are doing. It's important to remember to be proud of yourself.
Favorite place on MSU’s campus?
My favorite place on campus would have to be the fountain by The Chapel of Memories!
Guilty pleasure show?
The Vampire Diaries! I will always go back to that show.
Favorite Starkville restaurant?
BIN 612! It has some of everything!
Davis Wade Stadium or Dudy Noble Field?
Dudy Noble Field! You get to see more friends there!
Do you drink coffee? If so, what is your coffee order?
I don't love coffee (I know that's a crime), but when I do get some, I usually get some sort of iced latte!